Teddy’s First Pheasant - 11 1/2 weeks old

First Pheasant Hunt ! Here’s my Story -

By: James Nicholas

So David and Lois had exposed Teddy to gunfire a bit when he was a puppy. My buddy had set up this pheasant hunt for his Boykin and we decided to tag along. Mostly just to get him a little more comfortable around the guns. So Teddy and I hung by the lodge and played fetch while another group was out in the field shooting. He didn’t pay it any attention. After a half hour of him being used to the noise we crept behind my buddy who had already headed out hunting. We just followed a ways behind them for a while and got closer and closer. By the last bird Teddy was comfortable enough that we were right with them. The bird flushed really close and my buddy dropped it dead maybe 15 yards from us. He held his dog and Teddy went right after it, Played with it for a while, then with some encouragement dragged it back to us by the leg.


James with his pup Teddy - hunting with his good friend Nick and his female Boykin, Brownie
at Markover Hunting preserve in Danielson, CT.


The American Water Spaniel


An American Water Spaniel in Grouse Country